Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Part 2, lesson 1 of CAC Sunday School Lesson, July-Dec. 2017

Part 2 of Lesson 1...

1. Human Parents (Luke1:25-45; 2:1ff)

~>The Favoured Parents (Luke 1:25-45; 2:1ff)

And having come in, the angel said to her, ‘Rejoice, highly favoured one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women’(Luke 1:28).

▶ The earthly parents were highly favoured by God. How? Greetings by the angel (Luke 1:28), confirmed by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:39-45). The man had some uncommon characteristics (Matthew 1:18-24; 2:13-23).

▶ The parents accepted God's Word together, and we're ready to protect God's Son (Luke 2:1-7). Responsible parents are scarce today!

▶ They did all that the law required (Luke 2:21-24) and usually went to the temple with this “God in human form”, Jesus (Luke 2:41-51).
▶ What a privilege to train Jesus as the Son of God, and to respect and obey, as God. In fact, in many instances, they never fully understood Him (John 19:25-27).

~>The Obedient Son (Luke 2:1ff).

Then, He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them, but His mother kept all these things in her heart (Luke 2:51).

▶ Jesus was born into a highly favoured family, chosen by God, the Father, and He was contented being there. This is humility in practice.

▶ Just as He chose to obey His Father in Heaven, He also chose to obey the earthly father who never understood some of His Words and Works (Luke 2:49,50).

▶ He went to a marriage ceremony with them with them (John 2:1-8). He also attended the temple in Jerusalem with the family (Luke 2:41). He was obedient to the parents. Where are such parents/children relationships today?

▶ Though it was clear that He had larger families (Matthew 13:55-58; Matthew 3:31-35), yet He handed over His mother to one of His brothers at the point of His glorious death (John 19:25,27). What a caring Son!


◆ Favoured couples do not miss one another and God's purpose for their lives. Mary and Joseph were highly favoured.

◆ Jesus was obedient to His heavenly and earthly parents.


→ Which is more important: to call myself a child of God or for God to endorse that I am His Child?

→Jesus, though Son of God, who came from above, respected His heavenly Father and the  earthly parents. Why do we experience arrogance and pride amongst the children /youth today?

→Mary and Joseph has time for Jesus. Zacharias and Elizabeth did not fail on John. Why do we experience negligence and failure from parents today?

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