Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Part 2, lesson 2. CAC Sunday School Lesson, July-Dec. 2017

Part 2 of Lesson 2.

2. JESUS’ TEMPLE AND PUBLIC WORSHIP (Matthew 17:24-27; 27:51; Luke 2:22-42; John 2:13-17; 7:1ff).

~>Relationship With The Temple (Matthew 17:24-27; 27:51; Luke 2:22-42; John 2:13-17).

And He said to those who sold doves, “Take these things away!  Do not make My Father's house a house of merchandise!” (John 2:16).

The Temple represented God's house/dwelling among His people, in the Old Covenant, under which Jesus was born (cf. Galathians 4:4). What was His relationship to it?

Luke 2:22-38: In line with the Jewish custom, He was presented in the temple on His 8th day. After all, He was born under the Law (cf. Galathians 4:4).

John 2:13-17: He genuinely demonstrated His passionate, godly zeal for God's house. How zealous are you for Goss house (cf. Psalms 69:9)? How often  do you wisely exhibit holy anger against every filth in God's house, and work accordingly (cf. Numbers 25:1-3)?

Matthew 17:24-27: The Temple's tax was annual given by every adult male Jew, for maintaining the temple , (cf. Exodus 30:13). As God's Son and Owner of the temple (cf. Malachi 3:1), He was free from paying the tax (v. 26). Yet, He paid, as humble demonstration of His human allegiance to they furtherance of God's house/work (v. 27).

He taught and demonstrated God's miraculous power, even in the temple (Matthew 21:14; Mark 1:21-28; Luke 4:31-37).

▶ Matthew 27:51, As a symbol of putting an end to the flawed Old Covenant,  and granting unfettered success into God's presence, by His atoning blood, the Temple's veil was torn in  half (cf. Hebrews 6:19; 10:19-22), as an accompanying sign of Christ’s death (cf. Mark 15:38; Luke 23:45).

~>Real Attitude To Public Worship (Luke 2:41,42; John 7:1ff).

And when He was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast .(Luke 2:42).

▶ Luke 2:41,42: By divine injunction, Jewish males should appear before God, annually, on 3 different feasts (Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles) --- public worship. That Jesus didn't refuse going with His parents shows His attitude towards public worship.

▶ John 6:1-5; Another 7-day Feast of Tabernacles came and Jesus’ brothers were like sarcastically talking Him into going to Jerusalem.
vv. 6ff: One would have though that Jesus wasn't going to attend the programme (cf. vv. 6-9). He was actually not going to dance to their tune to go there for a ‘show’. Appearing before God in public worship shouldn't be to show off, whatever we think we have ---- talents, clothes, beauty, etc.

vv. 10ff: Jesus eventually attended the programme to show His deep respect for God who instituted, and should be the Object of our worship, rather than impressing people with, and in His worship activities. Why do you attend church worship?

Luke 11:1-13: Study the pattern of prayer that Jesus have His disciples, here. That is the pattern and passion our prayer should follow,  in both our public and private worships.


★ If Jesus didn't joke with worshiping in God's house, should we be found wanting in our attitudes to corporate Christian worship?

★ Jesus didn't only worship God privately, but also didn't forsake the God-approved gatherings of the brethren (cf. Hebrews 10:25ff).


→What was Jesus’ attitude to private worship?

→ With the latest technology, board meetings can be held with members in their homes and countries: why can't our worship be like that?

→If we can send all our financial dues to the church’s accounts, why do we need to waste time again in any auditorium?

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Bible Study Topic: Temple Of The Living GOD Text: I COR. 3VS16-17, I COR. 3VS18-20, II COR. 6VS16-18 Memory Verse:  I Beseech yo...