Sunday, 10th September 2017
2. THE SATAN-OPPRESSED (John 5:1-15; Luke 8:26-55)
~> Bound In Sin (John 5:1-15)
Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you” (v. 14).
▶ vv. 1-5: Jesus, our ultimate problem-solver, appeared in the the jam-packed feast to help more people. This inform man (v. 5) was privileged to have Him uninvited.
▶ v. 6: Jesus has the perfect knowledge of, and antidote to every situation. His visitation is always comforting. Are you expecting Him?
▶ vv. 7-9: The man's ignorance notwithstanding, Jesus spoke the Word of power into his life and, immediately, the man was made whole. Jesus’ concern for the man's situation overrode the man's shortcomings. That Is Jesus, who loves the sinner though, hates sin.
▶ vv. 10-11: See the striking difference between the compassionate Jesus and the hypocritical Jews. Were they really concerned for the sacredness of the Sabbath? No.
▶ vv. 12-13: The man had only received the miracle, not the miracle Giver (Jesus). So many of such people are In our assemblies, who need to be followed up.
▶ v. 14: Follow up. Miracles are God-given, to open up sinners to the reality of the yr real need ---- salvation. Jesus sought the man out, and gave him the permanent solution to his situation ---- Sin no more.
~> Bound By Demons (Luke 8:26-39).
For He had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For it had often seized him, and he was kept under guard, bound with chains and shackles; and he broke the bonds and was driven by the demon into the wilderness (v. 29).
▶ v. 27: As Jesus alighted, He encountered a man who had been bound by demons for a long time, wore no clothes and had become a terror to the community, hence his banishment to the graveyard. When Satan gets hold of a life, he renders it useless and undesirable.
▶ v. 28: The devil in the man was like trying to flatter Jesus as the Son of the Most High God, and begging Him (cf. v. 31), to negotiate with Him, their obviously destiny.
▶ v. 29: Jesus wouldn't negotiate/bargain with the devil (cf. Matt. 4:1ff), most especially, as the life of one of those He actually came for, was at stake (v. 29b). Hence, He ordered the devil out of the man. This is a case against the so-called ministers who negotiate with Satan for miracles/deliverance.
▶ v. 30: The unclean spirit confessing himself as “legion” (literally, about 6,000 soldiers in the Roman military) implies that it was a spiritual battle, but Jesus is ever ready to fight these hosts of hell to save ‘just’ a man’s soul ---- compassion and genuine concern. Are we deeply concerned for others to the extent of launching out our spiritual mercenaries (II Cor. 10:1-6; Eph. 6:10ff) in intercession for the them?
▶ vv. 32-36: Jesus’ ‘risky’ intercession/intervention delivered the man totally. Isn't it worth it? Do you think of such end that the risks involved in helping others?
★ Jesus came to deliver those hound in sin. He has given that commission to bring them to Him. Don't be lacking.
★ Jesus’ power and authority silence the devil and his cohorts, immediately and ultimately.
→ The only effective power and authority is in the name of Jesus. Discuss.
→ Jesus has left us with examples and ways of dealing with demons. Can we get to his level?
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